CBSE said that only those students will be allowed to appear for class 10, 12 board exams in 2022-23 whose names would be submitted through the online process of registration. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) on Wednesday announced that the registration of students for classes 9 and 10 for the 2021-22 session will begin from 15 December.
CBSE has said that only those students will be allowed to appear in classes 10, 12 board exams, whose names and details have been submitted by respective schools. However, before schools begin submitting these details, they must also register themselves on the portal that has been made available for this purpose.
CBSE schools have also been instructed to use their affiliation numbers as User Id while registering for online submission. In case there are schools that have recently been affiliated, they must get in touch with the regional offices of the Board to get their school code and password in order to proceed with the online submission of details.
All CBSE schools and school heads are advised to go through the detailed set of instructions issued by the Board. They have been given in advance so that everyone can properly understand them and fetch students' details accordingly.
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